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Old 10-08-2008, 12:50 AM
soljagal soljagal is offline
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Default Very wise for not ruling out neck


I think you are very wise for not ruling out the neck. Lumbar flexion has affected my neck. And, once the neck starts, the loop continues where the lumbar pain cycle starts. Eventually, the cycle is broken.

Another point that I have learned is that the neck problem does not manifest itself in neck pain all the time. The nerve branches are sensitive to pain, friction, inflammation. But, the spinal cord is not sensitive to pain. I have many episodes where there is no arm pain, but I have C-cord signals. One of my cord signals is the facial symptoms. Another of my C-cord signals is low back episodes, with facet locking, etc. I experiment and find that treating the neck actually resolves the back, and vice versa.

The spine works as a unit, and accordingly the wheel alignment analogy works for me. If the neck wheel is misaligned, the other wheels do get affected. Core strengthening is good; but wear a collar for proper alignment.

Hope your surgery goes well.
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