1:30am in Straubing... I just got back to hotel from hospital after another client's surgery. Garry and Jenna got out of the hospital today... I don't think they are internet connected yet, so I'll answer for them.
Bertagnoli did his surgery last week in Bogen. His story is truly remarkable because he did have 5 discectomies... all successful in relief for some months. I was quite worried about the potential for surgery induced radicular pain with the possiblity of so much scar tissue and collateral damage after 5 surgeries.... all at L4-5 and/or L5-S1. With these 5 prior surgeries, I think Garry's story is an important one for so many who are so far down that same road.
Here they are Tuesday night as I was leaving Bogen. Garry looks much different than he did pre-op with that grimace already being replaced by a smile. I loved the way he expressed his "fear of never being normal again." I certainly remember that!
All the best,