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Old 09-14-2008, 06:15 PM
racergaldar racergaldar is offline
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Default WC Complaint

I don't know about your state, but in CA on the WC site, there is a complaint form. I have the same issue with my adjuster and debating whether or not I would want to piss her off. Speaking for CA only, when dealing with the State WC, the labor codes state specific response times. I just sent my request for a QME certified mail. They have 15 days to respond, otherwise I can pick my own. Considering our state budget hasn't been signed, low staff, I'm almost betting they don't respond in time. Also, when requesting a QME, if you have an attorney, when I get the 3 names, the WC scratches one, if I had an attorney, they would scratch another name, leaving me with just one to pick. If I don't have an attorney, I get to pick from the 3.

Although, these are CA regulations, you may want to check your state's labor codes. If you're WC insurance is in an MPN, look for that chapter as well. Having an MPN is similiar to having an HMO/EPO/PPO network.

BTW: how did you get them to approve the discography? I'm appealing my denial right now (thus why requested QME) (State Qualified Medical Examiner).
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