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Old 08-25-2008, 05:07 AM
nopain nopain is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 53

It appears you are referring to a Facet Joint block. This is typically performed with Anesthetic and Steroid.

There is a test where they push down on the top of your head and twist slightly to see if it causes pain. The test name starts with an "L" but I can neither say it or spell it, so searching for it isn't going to happen tonight. If that causes pain then they suspect the Facet Joints.

The Facet Block is both a therapeutic and diagnostic test. It either works or it doesn't.

Here is some pretty straight forward information:

If you can tolerate the 30 second advertisement here is a video of the Procedure.

Facet Joint Block - Watch a Facet Joint Block - Facet Joint Video -

I have had this test at C4/5 and C5/6 on the right side only. It was done on an outpatient basis, took about around 25 minutes from the time they put me on the table. The test was done under Flourscopy. It's not terribly pleasant, but nothing to be afraid of either.

I checked into the Outpatient Clinic about 8 am, had the procedure around 9, sat in the recovery area for an hour or two - they do this so they can come and talk to you and ask you if it seems to have helped. Then left the outpatient clinic about 12:30pm.

I believe I paid around $800 out of pocket.

I've also had epidural injections which are similar, but the needle is placed in the epidural area of the spine and the injection material should work it's way around the inflamed area.

Again these procedures either work or they don't. If they do you buy time, and may actually by enough for a "cure" for a minor condition. The key is to reduce the swelling/inflammation so the nerves are no longer firing, and the pain goes away. Then your body can heal on it's own.

Your job at this point, is to simply ask your Doctor why he suspects the Facet Joints, and make sure you've been tested manually.

I'd like someone to inject about a quart of steroid into the back of my neck tonight - as a diagnostic of course.
My Research Postings On Dozens of Spine Pain Treatments
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