Thursday in Munich... 3 clients done, one to go. I can't wait to get home! Niether could Karl. We didn't know what to expect and knew his surgery was going to be large, so he was scheduled to return home at 2 weeks post-op. Yesterday, day 8, he returned home to the west coast. Amazing.
Again, we don't know the outcome yet... time has to tell us that... but it looks good so far!
PS. Maria, yes Bertagnoli designs some of his own 'gadget tools' and also is a key designer for many of the new technologies I've seen that have emerged through the years that I've been observing. But, what I was referring to in the post above does not refer to tools that he's designed. I'm just noting that there are many, many trade-offs and issues that we'll never understand. Even with 'standard' surgeries, there can still be a big difference from one surgeon to the next. We can't even anticipate which side of the trade-off will be important to us.