I can't believe that I have to post this. I'm still in Straubing. I left for Germany on the 1th of July, now almost 4 weeks ago. I was suppose to come home on the 11th, but now have to stay for another client and will NOT be home until the after the weekend of the 16th.
I'll not be able to attend.... I hope that we can reschedule for a time when I won't be traveling. This has been a good trip... 3 surgeries down, 1 to go...
Surgeries have included anterior revision of 2-level Charite to 2-level proDisc, plus the revision of the posterior fusion that I posted about. I've also been able to attend the DSS class and see some brand new technologies being developed. Very interesting stuff. I'll post more tomorrow.
Sorry about the party.. all the best,