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Old 06-21-2008, 09:10 PM
nopain nopain is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 53
Default Just something to think about PRIORITIES

Republican allies of President Bush provided the winning margin in a 268-155 vote to provide $162 billion to fund U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan well into next year.

The bill would bring to more than $650 billion the amount provided by Congress for the war in Iraq since it started five years ago. Nearly $200 billion in additional funding has gone to operations in Afghanistan, according to congressional analysts.

What is 650 billion?

Simple Math:

Lets say the average spinal surgery runs $75,000. Yeah I know some will be more and some will be less. Lets just say that is an average.

650 billion would fund

650,000,000,000/75,000 = 8.6 million surgeries!


And we can't fund health care? Sure the numbers are staggering. But it's a matter of priority.

650 Billion is 2,100 for every man woman and child in the USA.

Only you can decide if it's money well spent. I'm not here to create a discussion of the right or wrong aspects of war.

I'm just stating that it seems ironic that we can spend so much money destroying life when we could use that money to restore it.


Food Safety. The budget requests a record funding level of $1.1 billion for the Food Safety and Inspection Service. This funding will ensure that the demand for inspection is met and will allow us to build on our success in improving the safety of the food supply. USDA has been working to strengthen the scientific basis of meat, poultry and egg products inspection so the risk of exposure to any food contaminant will be even less than it is now. This includes continuing the Department's effort to increase the speed with which we can detect and respond to outbreaks of foodborne illness.
My Research Postings On Dozens of Spine Pain Treatments

Last edited by nopain; 06-21-2008 at 09:13 PM.
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