"Maybe it was our pure bad-luck to be living in Germany" ...
Meaning, in the USA, with the Prodisc not approved, we probably would not have had so much access to so many clinics (Stenum, AK, Pro_Spine) ... which specialize in ADR. Of course, we thought it was amazingly good luck at the time, that we lived only 1 hour from Straubing, and 30 minutes from AK. Of course, if we were natives, we may have had more success finding other Orthopaedic clinics.
Let me balance my criticism: Over half of the FDA Prodisc trial surgeons in the USA had financial conflicts of interest. They should be fined at least - for the amount invested. The Prodisc FDA approve must, by Federal law, be thrown out. That's not from me, its from the Senate Finance Committee, headed by Senator Grassley. I do not subscribe to the line that the surgeon must invest in a company in order to improve the technology. They should put themselves above it - its their oath.
Please note, we did get a lot of inputs from German neurosurgeons AFTER the ADR ... but that was only because I found a site listing ever Prodisc specialist in Germany ... and emailed to every one of them.
It would be great if you could post the names of the surgeons/kliniken who have more conservative views on ADR.
Thanks! Best Regards,