Changes at the Alpha Klinik
It's been a little confusing for patients in the past, because there were 2 separate spine clinics operating at the Alpha Klinik. Dr. Hoogland (with Zeegers, Schubert, Wagner; operate Hoogland Spine. Dr. Dekkers with Frank operates out of Dekkers spine.
There is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet because people don't understand that when you say the AlphKlinik, you may be talking about a different center.
If you look on the Alpha Klinik website now, you'll see that is now only one spine center... Hoogland spine. Dr. Toft still operates his world famous knee center as well.
I don't know the details about what happened to Dekkers, but when you hear about Alpha Klinik rumors, you may be hearing about why Dekkers is gone. This may have absolutely nothing to do with Hoogland, Zeegers, Schubert, Wagner and the rest of the amazing staff there.
Don't panic... we'll know more soon. Try not to let rumors run rampant...
All the best,