Hi Bob,
I can't recall ever coming across an authoritative answer to your question but I can give you my opinion and some info tidbits I've stumbled across over the past few years.
Totally Opinion
- Very light traction probably not too risky (I still get a small amount of relief when I do a 'handstand' to unload my spine)
- I'd be afraid to go beyond light traction with an ADR
- Prior to ADR traction gave me some temporary relief from discogenic pain
Info Tidbits
- on MGH forum some patients with ADR or fusions had reported their therapist wanted to try traction - I didn't think this was a good idea
- Wojt on MGH knew of studies that concluded traction contributed to instability
- one of my pre-op ortho surgeons told me traction rarely helps one improve
Here's something I've noticed. No matter what posture, position, loading or motion I put my spine in, some parts feel worse and at the same time other parts feel relief.
Has Janet had any improvements? Certainly I'm better off than I was for that first 18 months post-op, but I'm still not a happy camper.
I'm back in the Seattle area now. Are you still doing organic farming?