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Old 01-03-2008, 06:12 PM
martyusa martyusa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 70

After a long discussion with Dr. Foti, we have come to the conclusion that maybe a micro-laminectomy may not be the best long term option. We talked quite a bit my expectations, risks and goals.

In the beginning we had radicular pain down both legs. The left leg had subsided for a while. Now it is prevalent in both legs on an intermittent level with no or limited activity. However, there is a constant pain in the right leg.

We have a disco gram scheduled to make sure that the disc in question is the problem and that I am a possible candidate for other options.

I hear this is going to hurt like hell. But better a few hours of pain and a few days of discomfort to make sure we get this right.
Martial arts for 25 years
Full contact MMA 7 years
Body building last 7 years
(no Problems)
4-07 Fall down step holding daughter
5-07 L5-S1 buldge MRI
9-07 L5-S1 herniation W/DDD and annular tear MRI
3 epidurals / 2 nerve root injection / 6 weeks of PT

8/01/2008 L4-S1 Posterior Spinal fusion only, using the PEEK ROD system. No Vertebral spacer and disc is still there. So is the pain!!!!

4 More weeks of PT and things are worse now than before.
I must train again.
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