I had my radiculogram in 1982 at Hammersmith HOspital, London. (Those were the days before MRIs). I was told I must not lie down for 12 hours in order to avoid a headache. Unfortunately, despite following instructions I had the most appalling migraine of my life - my head continued to thunder and i continued vomitting for over a week. I went into my laminectomy more concerned about my head than my back! In retrospect I think my back was easing up, but I was incapable of thinking, let alone having a discussion about it. Never, ever again.
1980-2004 50 acute episodes. DDD
Lots of osteopathy, pilates, exercise, injections etc plus:
‘82 Laminectomy + nerve root adhesions removed
‘87 Sclerosant injections
2000 Spinal fusion L4/5 L5/S1 – left with internal nerve damage: permanent leg Pain & impaired mobility.
2/04 Acute episode became new baseline - Housebound & severe pain
6/06 Discogram +ve L3/4,L1/2. + SI joint problem.
10/07 ADR L3/4 (Active L) Dr Zeegers - no impact at all