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Old 12-23-2007, 05:30 AM
martyusa martyusa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 70
Default Dilema and need guidance

I had made a post a while back about my situation.

Brief history. L5-S1 bulge with mild DDD. He now believes the disc is a bit worse and a possible herniation. Pain was only down right leg and is now starting down the left glute nd left ham as well. As long as I do nothing, and I mean nothing I am fine and it is tolerable. As soon as I have some moderate activity ( driving, bending over too long or sitting too long ), I am done for a couple of days and can't even sit on the toilet without pain.

After pain management and PT they have finally decided we cannot get it under control and it will not heal. It has been almost 7 months since the initial injury that opened this chapter up.

The Doctor has decided that he wants to do a micro-laminectomy. He feels this non-invasive procedure will work great for me. My biggest concern is another herniation in the future and being laid up even longer. I'm not sure if I like the idea of bone being removed or not and feel this will limit other options in the future if we do have any other problems with my active lifestyle.

Thoughts would be great. This is scheduled for Feb 1.
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