re the burning
I had much burning bilat in legs altho with back pain when my back would go out (or I would think the disc was leaking goop on nerves because of onset of pain, type of pain, duration of painful episode and bedrest required to relieve pain).
Currently my back is bothering me very much and I'm having bilat burning again in thighs/quads. It rather sucks.
I have been taking Neurontin since '98 for the residual burning pain left from my failed discectomy in '92. Maybe you could give it a try and see how that goes if all else seems to be status quo and you're not much affected by your spinal situation.
My disc bulges were small as well before both of my discectomies however the pain they caused was BIGGGGGG and BAD!!!! I think I have a bigger disc bulge now in one of the same discs that was surgerized way back in '92.
Last edited by Maria; 12-21-2007 at 06:40 PM.