I'm still here in Munich. It was great to meet fuzzy and some other clients who were there. I was very impressed at how long of step he was... seeming pretty dang spry... but he is 4 weeks out.
We got together in the clinic with a client who was only 2 days post-op. When I picked up Sam... we bumped into Zeegers. It's great for him to see the patients together laughing and smiling. There are 11 devices between the 4 of us. Left to right... 2 Charite's; Activ-L and STALIF; 2 Activ-L; 2 Activ-L, 2 Coflex and Mobi-C (Almost forgot a partial knee in there.)
After the party broke up, Fuzzy and I had a beer at the Queens Hotel... (holiday inn for the newbies). Not only is he long of step, but he can sit. He may look like a Texas rocker, but he's got a lot of interesting and unusual hobbies... VERY interesting guy! One of the things I love about my job is getting to know so many interesting people. It's especially rewarding to see so many of them do so well. Fuzzy... keep it up and take care of yourself. When you are up for a ride... Chuck and I will meet you in No. Cal and we'll go for a ride. (To give you something to look forward to... here is 3-level Bertagnoli ProDisc under 2 years out. He's still doing great at 3 years... rides 7 hours from So.Cal to Santa Cruz)