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Old 12-07-2007, 08:08 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Wink coach seat sitting..

Sounds like you're having pretty amazing progress! The pain at the donor site sounds pretty familiar from other's posts I've read over the years. The OSS I've been seeing for the longest time has said in the past he would not want to harvest a bone graft from my hip. Said I was too slim. It may have been to do with my bone density levels as well though he did not say this.

I'm happy that you're able to walk for such extended periods of time. I love to walk and on low level Methadone (and Neurontin) I find that walking is easy for me in the last few years and actually makes my back feel better and often I can stay on my feet the whole day with very little down time.

It is the projected sitting that you think you may be able to do that really impresses me (based on where you're at now). If I could sit to fly in one coach seat again vs. 3~ wow, that'd be most amazing. Oh to travel again, go to movies, sit in a library for hours on end, take a train and actually sit in one seat vs. draping myself across two.. on and on ad nauseum...

BTW, your beard appears to be a tad longer than Mark's beard. Somehow I can't see him sporting a beard of that length in the OR tho I like that ZZ Top look!

Last edited by Maria; 12-07-2007 at 08:16 PM.
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