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Old 11-13-2007, 11:57 AM
martyusa martyusa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 70

Thanks for the reply and suggestions..

I think this is more of a mental situation if anything. I had a competition in July I was getting ready for and this just throws it right out of the window. I've had to have someone cover any classes that I would be teaching until this gets under control and I am still trying to do my manly duties around the house.

It's getting very frustrating but I do see light at the end of the tunnel. About an hour after I had been home from the doctors office, he called me and let me know they were taking a deeper look at this thing. They had suggested an EMG to try to figure out exactly where the damage is and where the pain is coming from. Just the phone call itself showed me that this team cares and understands. I should have gone to Sports Medicine first.

I'll keep us all updated as to the correct course of action for this situation. Fingers are crossed.
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