Thread: Please Help!
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Old 10-23-2007, 02:14 PM
fredsangel fredsangel is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 7

At first I thought the Prolotherapy was working, but a few days after my first treatment my pain returned in full force. After second treatment I hurt bad for the entire week. By the 3rd treatment it was obvious that it wasn't working. I've been in severe pain ever since. Like Mark was saying it's not too bad in the am, but by afternoon it gets unbearable. Unfortunately I have a job where I work at a computer all day so by the time I get home I can't do anything. I just want to go lay down.

I will give my PCP a call right now and see how soon I can get into see him and I guess we'll take it from there.

Thanks to all of you, this has been great for me to be able to chat with people who know what type of pain I'm in and understand.

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