For those who remember, I had extreme nerve damage from my 3 level Prodisc almost 2 years ago. I was taking 3000 mg of Neurontin daily for the pain but found the side effects too difficult and switched to Lyrica several months ago with a daily dosage of 300 mg. The side effects, though slightly less, still interfered with my life, specifically, my eyesight and concentration levels.
The end of June I began acupuncture which is working more than I would have thought and I'm cutting back on the Lyrica. Even though going slow, 50mg every other week, I found the withdrawal from 200 mg to 150 mg difficult and now from 150 mg to 100 mg even more so. I'm nervous, jittery, can't concentrate at all and my dreams are more strange than when beginning Neurontin in the first place.
I don't want to take any more drugs. Does anyone have any suggestions on dealing with this withdrawal? How long can I expect this to last? Now, though only 4 days into 100 mg, I'm afraid to go down to 50mg. Any ideas?
BTW, the results of the acupuncture so far is reduced pain (about 50%), I can feel my entire leg (about 30%) but it is still heavy and weak. The reduction of the Lyrica... my eyesight is more dependable (about 50%) and my concentration levels are returning (not this week). I'm finding I still do stupid things which I guess I can no longer blame on drugs
and it's pretty disturbing.
thanks, Dale