Loading dishwasher
Just lost a lengthy reply to you so will try to be more concise.
I think the dishwasher was the straw that broke the camel's back.
You need to rest, use ice intermittantly to relieve muscle spasm or heat if that helps you better (give them both a try and see).. a bag of frozen peas works well against the low back if you've not ice. Use a towel between you and the pees tho~
I injured myself back in '82 transferring a patient from a gurney to a bed. The incident was straw that broke the camel's back for me and I must say I had years of the episodes you're having before having my first spine surgery.
Should you have numbness or loss of use of your extremity/extremities, or severe unrelenting pain, or loss of bowel or bladder tone where you are urinating and/or defecating on yourself without control, you must go to the ER/ED.
Meanwhile hang in there and try to make yourself as comfortable as you can. thanks for posting~