Nopain, I have a client in Seattle who recently got a digital motion xray of her neck. Very impressive study, but when all is said and done, it's just a moving flexion/extension study. Maybe there are certain conditions that will show on the motion study that will not on the traditional???
EDIT FOR CORRECTION.... digital motion study included full range of motion... lateral bending, twisting, etc. (end edit)
There are many causes for vertigo and I don't know the order that you should proceed in to rule them out. I would hope that your neurologist is very interested and has a plan, but from your frustration that comes through your post, I'm not sure where he/she has you headed.
I may be able to solicit input from some neurologists (local and not)... maybe you've already been through everything they would have to suggest... maybe not. Call me if you'd like to talk further about this.
Last edited by mmglobal; 07-19-2007 at 02:48 AM.