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Old 09-23-2006, 07:46 AM
dylan dylan is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 10
Default kineflex trial - waddya think?

I am in the kineflex / charite trial. Regan and laurassen.
I decided to get into the trial after I reinjured myself in
may. I thought I had the miracle cure when I started
yoga and accupuncture, when in reality I overdid it with
workload and ended up surfing the adrenaline wave and
crashing into the reef again. I order for me to not overdo it
I can't work more than 10-20 hours a week, and my social life
is very restricted / no girlfriend / no art / no music. This is my reality
and I don't know I am happy with that at age 32. If I have no other
choice than I will live with it, but a good part of thinks an adr could help
(I have reduced disk height at l5-s1 with dessication and tear - no spondy
- facets not too bad, l4-l5 mild diffuse bulge).
I have been reading the boards and the numbers that seem to keep coming up are about 75-85% somewhat better 5-10% worse, 15-25% no better and 40%(guyver) hit the home run and are pain free (my estimation from several studies)

the kineflex and the charite seem like fine discs

my concern is post surgery failure, etc - bad / pinched nerves, facet pain

mark, you have been around a lot of adr people,
is it helping them for the most part?
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