Hanging in there!
Hi Betsy
Nice to hear from you. So there's at least two of us out there?
No, I don't think I had a bone graft. Not bragging but I do have some nice big staples and some Japanese fibreglass stuff called "walastronide" ?? decorating my spine from the anterior fusion! Anybody got any of that?
As for the screws, I didn't know they used bigger ones but , like you, I read stuff on surgical websites, and they said the new screws are Hydroxyapatite coated so they bond to bone better for more strength.
You're still in recovery really from your Dynesys so I hope things settle down for you. I'm quite active considering what I've had done and I'm really resenting this extreme limitation on my mobility right now.
Let's stay in touch and hopefully recruit a few more to our exclusive club!
Speak soon, best wishes from Lynette