After seven and a half years I now have a definitive reason as to why I feel like I have a steak knife in my back...
Greetings everyone...Ron here florida...locked up in "Sciattica"
but im gettin a parole hearing soon.
Dr George Theofolis performed a discogram on my lumbar from L2 to L5 about two weeks ago.
Im still digesting the results...but..and I mean BUTT...I can tell you that just to know what was wrong with me almost stopped me in my tracks....
Through some faith and some luck I now know the extent of my herniations and to what extent they produce pain.
Dr Theofolis could not pressurize my lowest disc without getting me to call out a verbal 9 out of 10...
and he noted I was "grimacing and guarding"...
no duh!!!!
Seven year and a half years is a long if ADR is in my future, I want to know everything...
I also just got a prescription for the NEW time released ULTRAM and it seems worth the typing at ya...
and im not down with opioids...eeesh...
HOWDY all!!