re additional stuff
Rotten painful symptoms make me feel like crap. Just like that. I think all kinds of things when my back flares up tho it's been so stable for so long that sometimes when my legs feel like they aren't there~ I go ..uh oh!! I waited too long! Only to keep moving and they are there~ anyway, I do hate painful flareups!!
I had 5 years of residual gnawing horrible pain after my 2nd discectomy and thru my buttocks, into both legs and on the soles of my feet. It was really highly unpleasant (made me want to commit HariCari (sp)) ~
Hope your spine hangs in there to take care of hubby post knee surgery and your knee will be OK too ~
Banish that saying that bad things come in 3's ... Am hoping that good things will be coming your way and in Spades ~ meanwhile, sorry to hear of more pain when you have so much to do!! Good luck and best wishes to your hubster with his upcoming knee surgery!