Lorna... it's great to hear that you are still rocking and rolling. I can't wait to catch up and hear about your homecoming! Your family must be amazed at the different person that returned home.
I'll be sending you all the pictures I took soon. Greg is home... I'll try to get him to post here. He overdid a bit while still in Germany and set himself back a bit, but I think he's OK.
You take care... we'll talk soon. All the best,
PS... I hope you don't mind a few more pics....
This is at 1 day post-op from cervical surgery.... not possible for Lorna to stand on one foot just 24 hours prior...
2-days post-op. The amazing thing is that we walked to the clinic from the plaza for dinner... about 1/2 mile. Lorna had the most bizarre gait prior to her cervical surgery and had to look down and watch her foot placement or she'd stumble. I'm sooooo much taller than her, so as we walked and talked... she walked like a normal person, but looking up at me instead of down at her feet! Aunt Esther made multiple trips from the UK to provide support for Lorna and Robert.
My favorite part of the trip... a hug and a smile from Lorna. You can see she still has the drain... this is maybe 10 hours post-op... she already knows that her balance is back... her coordination is back... many neuropathies are gone or much improved... Lorna is an amazing person who is capable of beaming even when things are horrible. But at a time like this... her bright smile is one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen!
One more.... Lorna had an 8 week ordeal. Through the entire process, her father Robert was with her... every step of the way he was there.... here they are the day before they leave... tired and happy. However tough this was for everyone... how could it be better?