deductibles recoveries etc
Hi Sue,
Just checking back. Still with my foot pain.. flared foot up badly by initially staying off it only 2 days and then walking on it (limping) thinking it was Ok. Not! Ended up wearing crutches for a week re tendonitis in the ankle acted up from the limping I believe or maybe swelling around that area too.. anyway still hurts on top of foot where injured initially but not so much thru out foot when wt bearing. Have not seen a doctor. Am at hub's in SD county anyway so not near any of my doctor and not willing to put out $$ til I give the "wait and see" trial a bit more time. Meanwhile I called a Kaiser sales rep & left message re enrolling. No call back yet so will check back today. Next year have $4K deductible and of course coverage 80% in Network with new ins. co Aetna so am motivated to get off spousal plan.
Sounds like your recovery is going along Ok and working out the kinks hopefully! Thanks for the update and hope you'll continue to progress with time. When do you see your surgeon next? Have spoken with Mark by any chance? Ok be well and Happy upcoming New Year!