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Old 08-17-2016, 07:33 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re feeling worse

Bummer. What one does not want to feel as most of us with pain issues know all too well. I hope your doctor can do something for you to ease the pain a bit. I've forgotten what McKenzie back extensions are though just the word extension bothers me .. I'll google it as it's familiar enough to me to know I've done them in the past.

I went to our little local gym a few weeks back and did some leg adductions/abductions with no weight just for range of motion. Was Ok the following day but the day after that had groin pain and lower back pain so haven't done them again. I also bought a little "thigh abductor" deal at KMart and used it sort of overhead using my hands/arms to work some upper arm musculature. What it did was make my neck and thoracic spine hurt.

So back to just walking. Seems like anything I do with my arms aggravates my neck and t-spine and anything I do with my legs aggravates my low back (other than walking which sometimes aggravates my posterior tibial tendonitis in my feet)!

Now sorry for the departure from your pain into my stuff which thankfully has been quite manageable of late as long as I'm just "growing older gracefully" (not doing anything too physical or aggravating).

Will hope to hear the doc has something up his or her sleeve to help you out on Monday.

take care John~
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