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Old 06-26-2016, 08:19 PM
John Galt John Galt is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: In the produce section
Posts: 43
Default Minimally Invasive Oxygen-Ozone Therapy for Lumbar Disk Herniation

Hi all!
It's been a while since I've last posted here. My herniated disc has not improved and the results from my last MRI say,"L4-L5 large left paracentral disc herniation/extrusion with inferior migration of disc material into the left lateral recess with posterior displacement of the descending left L5 and S1 nerve root."

I'm getting occasional leg pain which gets worse during the Winter months.
Swimming, which I love, sets it off also. I had consulted with a surgeon who thought that my pain level was not worthy of surgery so tomorrow I'm going to consult with a doctor about possibly using Ozone. I've posted the info before about injecting Ozone directly into the disc using fluoroscopic guidance a couple of years ago.

Anyway, I thought that I would document this so that it may help others in the future because I've not found much on message boards from people who have actually had Ozone injections. I will post more info as I get it.
Any questions feel free to ask.
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