Congrats on your 3 year anniversary and your MBA. I can imagine going for your MBA was quite difficult. I just wanted to let you know, that knowing you finished is motivation for me - that I will be able to finish my law degree. The first year is the hardest year and I got through it. Anyways, I just wanted you to know that your own determination and perseverance in a way helps me keep on track. If other people can be in constant pain and drugs and get their MBA I can do the same with getting my JD. So thanks And I hope too that one day I can be someone else's motivation.
2001 College Ice hockey injury
2002 DDD
2002-2004 epiderals
1/04 fall in Vegas
1/04-5/04 epiderals
6/24/04 Charite L5/S1
10/04-present new pain from facet joints caused by Charite; 10 facet blocks
12/06 rhizotomy left side
3/07 rhizotomy right side
5/10/2007 Charite removed, anterior IF, posterior instrumentation
180 mg MS-contin; Oxycodone; 16 mg Zanaflex