Blair's recovery
since this tread is about your recovery I'm wondering if in seeing Dr.Regan for your surgical treatment pre/surg/postop if it is also a standard procedure for this office to have the patient evaluated by Dr.Apostle pre op and post op?
When I saw Dr.Regan I thought that Dr.Apostle was the Resident taking a history for Dr.R and wasn't exactly thrilled at his presence at first. He may have introduced himself but I didn't catch exactly what his role was in terms of taking my history intially altho I think during this history somewhere he stated he was a PM.
It may have just been the office was so swamped that day that he took me intially to help Dr.Regan out altho he was shortly joined by Dr.Regan.
The dual specialities of surgery and psych eval seems to be a good approach to the first time office visit altho I'm sure it depends on the insurance coverage for the visit. As it was I was paying cash and this is one time I can honestly say I got more than money's worth in terms of an evaluation and how I was treated as a human being and a patient.
Re men/looks and the like~ I can surprise myself with whom I consider to be hunky for me~ tho it's usually in the eyes for me, and I do love foreign accents as well and trim/muscular bods!
Blair, are you getting better at a faster rate just reading this thread??? Hope you're doing well and that one of the laxative remedies is working for you! I feel awful when not *on schedule*~