The procedure we're talking about was back in 2003 but what I remember was my discs were pressurized and I reacted re which discs were concordant for pain with measurements taken at the time of the discogram. The procedure ended and then the doctor said he was now going to inject the Marcaine for relief. The needle was left in place post procedure and Marcaine given.
The relief I felt was really more post the procedure generally and thru the next day or so. It was more like general relief that I could tell. I don't think it would be considered diagnostic in any way but perhaps you could discuss that with whomever is going to do your discogram to see what that person will tell you. I had noticed way prior to this even being done that I would get relief with Lidocaine injections given orally for dental numbing which would greatly help my back pain.
Even after the 1st discogram the pain of the discogram was there as it should have been during the procedure itself and what I noticed was when I bent over to dress myself post procedure the pain hit just like my back had gone out. I will say that 2-3 days after the discogram my back felt better for about a month at least. I thought it was because the discs had been pressurized maybe...
Since after 2006 when WC stopped authorizing ESIs for my low back I found that a Toradol injection of 60mg IM would just about stop the spasming in my back or my neck that is super severe and if left to my own devices might take up to a month to alleviate with other methods like rest, heat, ice, etc.
I actually wish I had long ago been offered some of these methods of reducing painful spasms and I might not have even had my first back surgery.. probably not my 2nd.