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Old 05-13-2014, 03:46 AM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re my discograms

Even back then I didn't have the disc above L3 tested (or rather a test healthy disc). L3 had an annular tear and on first discogram was not concordant for pain. L4 and L5 already had surgery and were both painful with L5S1 being the worse (It wasn't tested the first time because the OSS that did that one said he "knew" it was shot).

2nd time L5S1 was included because I was told it had to be.
3rd time it was L3, L4, and L5 (so discs that were shown on MRI to be problematic) but trying to find out if L3 was painful or not...

First time I had pretty significant pain even after the procedure but 2 days later felt much better than I had in quite a while which lasted a month at least.

2nd time I got Marcaine in the disc spaces post procedure.
3rd time I got an ESI directly after the procedure.

I've not sought any surgical spine consultations (thankfully) since 2005. I wonder if discograms are still being obtained prior to various spine surgeries in Europe? Anybody?

Last edited by Maria; 05-13-2014 at 03:49 AM.
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