Thanks for the feedback
So the L4-5 is the disc in question. On the first office visit Dr. Coufal pointed out there was strength lost in my left foot (holding the foot up) which usually maps to L4-5. On a follow up visit after new imaging came in he felt like the L4-5 had good height. He didn't want to deal with it. He is willing to explant the Charite at L5S1 and convert it to a fusion. I certainly wouldn't mind doing a discogram to get to the bottom of it. I'm certainly not in a position to make demands of an outstanding surgeon like Dr. Coufal but I'd certainly like him to give more consideration to the L4-5.
Both PMs told me discograms give suspect results plus they can cause damage to healthy discs. They are seldom performed anymore. If I could get a discogram I hope they would agree to test only one level. I know the healthy levels give a baseline of sorts but I don't want damage to L3-4 and above.
2003 L5S1 Charite
1981 L5S1 Discectomy