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Old 04-09-2014, 03:44 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re aryuvedic medicine

Please share more if you've time and are so inclined. I have always been fascinated with India and wished I could travel there however my various injuries (esp. my back) have sort of squashed that dream.

I have in the past during phases of my back stuff (from age 28 to now at age 60) taken the bus on occasion and find that it is rather rough travel for me with great bouncing and jolting. Same with the train travel. It does however allow me to move about a bit more than if I were driving and stuck in one position for however long.

I used exercise thru out my injuries pretty much to help stay in shape. I now suffer from something called posterior tibial tendonitis in both feet and while I used to walk and walk and walk (which greatly helped my back) I now can hardly walk due to painful inflammation of the tendons that support my ankles.

Meanwhile trying to be mentally OK with this and just do what I have to get over a flare up (which I just threw myself into Monday after doing better with several months of PT for my feet).

Anyway wishing you the best with your endeavors to improve your spine or health in general~ and again if you feel like sharing please do! Maria
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