re failed surgery and Dr.Zeegers contact
Hey Sessy,
Good luck with your contacting Dr.Zeegers re the link that Henry gave you. You can also contact mmglobal here and he can probably help you expedite contact. When I was first seeking an opinion post my failed 2nd lumbar surgery I contacted Dr.Zeegers and Dr. Bertagnoli abroad utilizing Mark's services (mmglobal).
I wish you the very best. I well know how it feels to hear the stuff one does regarding failed surgeries and what might be done (or not). My failed 2nd lumbar discectomy was in '92 and I went thru He** until I happened upon Mark's journey abroad with Dr.Zeegers (round about 2000).
Wishing you the best and hope things will improve for you however that comes about. Failed spine surgery for me was just the worst.. I hope things are and will be better for you!