How did the EMG go? They can be pretty painful, but just for short periods of time. When will you get the results.
I have had several clients with who've had MRN that identified piriformis syndrome, then had successful bilateral piriformis release surgeries with Aaron Filler, the inventor of MRN. I have spent some time with Dr. Filler. He has some very interesting ideas and has developed some groundbreaking treatments.
In some cases, MRN makes a diagnosis possible, that could not have been properly diagnosed without it. The flip side is that when you put a magnifying glass on something that you could not image before, you see anomolies and potentially have procedures done unnecessarily if these anomilies are not causing your symptoms.
I have no recent experience with MRN.... a few years ago it was 3.5K per side. I'm not sure about insurance coverage, but a phone call to your MRN facility should answer that question. If you have trouble finding out, contact me off the forum and I'll email my contact in Dr. Filler's office.