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Old 03-16-2014, 11:46 PM
Ringo Ringo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 30
Default Love your comment....

You speak wisdom.

The average person thinks to themselves that ADR sounds great....where do I sign up. But, the device must fit the application and not all situations will permit an ADR. A surgeon has to stick to documented evidence and statistical trials that show a device has efficacy and specific application.

Fusion VS. ADR.... both have overlapping application. But, in some instances a fusion might have greater documented efficacy for treatment.

I am certain that there are orthopedic/neurosurgeon offices that you can walk into and the doctor will say you need a posterior fusion with rods. If you ask them if there are any other options, they will say, "No" because they personally don't offer any other options. Now, I think that sucks big time. They won't tell you to go down the street and get a second opion from a guy that is younger or that is doing ADR's. Trust me, this happens all the time. They need to make payments on a new vacation home, buy into a practic and send their kids to elite collages and make sure the glamor wife stays fit or the mistress is happy or the gold leaf wallpaper in the master bath gets put in, or new hair plugs, etc. Now it's not always like that or that dramatic. But, if there is an opening in the surgery schedule, I am here to tell you that that has significant bearing on whether you will have surgery or not. This is all the human side of it. Average person can't immagine this happening but it does. I know this from the horses mouth, not making it up. Sorry for the rant. Peace.

Originally Posted by ADR seeker View Post
I think the medical community is divided. You have your Dr Oz style doctors and a few old timers who became doctors for altruistic reasons. Then you have the hospitalists and organ doctors who are "just following orders" and then you have snakes who say "medical school was expensive I deserve a tone of money and then we have a whole lot of apathy and mediority.

The problem is very complex and MD are certainly not a solution. In the US we pay 3 times the world average for health care and over 20% of the US GDP is health care.

The FDA is controlled by the drug companies.

There is no federal agency that oversees the actions of doctors and hospitals and as a result the third leading cause of death in the US is doctors and that is according to Professor Emeritus Dr Barbara Starfield MD of Johns Hopkins School of public health.

The leading cause if death (although there is data that contradicts it) is the US medical industry.

Today the odd of getting a health care acquired infection are 1 in 10. If hospitals used the Pronvonost protocol there would be almost no infections. Dr Peter Pronvonost is a Noble Prize winner and he also works at Johns Hopkins.

There are over 10 medication errors per day in the average US hospitals and there are three wrong site surgeries a day in the US.

All of the above is just the tip of the iceberg and what I conclude is that even if your doctor wants to have your best interest at heart and be your health care advocate he can't. It's a sleazy culture where disease is not the enemy but a cash cow to be milked.

I recently wrote to some of my state representatives asking them to legalize the M6 and the neo disk. My reasoning is that if California can legalize pot any other state can legalize something much better.
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