It is not a question of can you go back to running, cycling and training. It is a question of should you? Having that type of surgery, I simply believe you will have the greatest long term overall health, well-being and pain free existance if you stop running. Running and cycling cause the pelvis to rock side to side plus there are comprssion forces, all this is repetitive and will be exagerated above and below the level of the surgery. A very large portion of the normal range of motion in the lower back occurs between L4 and S1. Asking the other structures in your body to take up the slack under normal circomstances is reasonable but running and cycling is asking for trouble sooner than later.
If you had a bridge that was designed to carry a certain amount of traffic or weight on it and someone came along and cut out some of the gurders and cables. Would you expect it to hold up under the same amount of traffic? It might hold up for a while but the probability that it would fail would increase. Additional force would be transfered to the adjoining structures.
I am sorry if this sound harsh but I would say "No." I don't think it is a good idea.
You will not have a "normal" spine after that surgery. If you are completely comfortable after that surgery, that would be great. You will likely have some loss in range of motion. The decrease in range of motion will transfer up the spine and down the spine into the SI joint causing greater strain on structures that probably have there share of age related changes already. It will likely even effect your gate. As to how much or if you will notice it, I don't know. It may effect your posture as well.
A surgeon will decide whether to operate on you based on evidence that he can improve your pain and make you significantly more comfortable and improve your well being. No feelings involved in that decision. What happen down the road is not up to him. You need to do the best for your over all well being.
I don't mean to be a downer. I speak from personal experience and I actually care.
Best to you and I hope you have a great out-come!
Originally Posted by Buster005
Hi all
I'm a newbie from Brisbane in Australia. I have issues with my two lowest discs. I have pain across lower back . I cannot run anymore and walking is difficult at times. I am 50 with two young children. I have been told fusion at L 5/S1 and disc replacement above. My questions are will I be able to return to a healthy life running , cycling and how long after surgery would this be expected if at all