What's that? I haven't worn anything dressy in so long it's ridiculous! The best thing I can wear that's dressy are my black Royal Robbins Cardiff Stretch travelers pants and a nice top then the shoes are a pretty silver Brooks Addiction 10 running shoe! LOL!
I cannot walk without the braces at this point (that have the orthotics attached) and since the $1700 bill was mostly paid by Cigna then I can't afford regular orthotics yet this year (the braces were made in Dec.2013) so I have a big deductible to pay this year so hope to have enough appts n stuff to wear that deductible down to the ground. I don't go to the doctor that much really though as I just don't like to.
And yes the braces are pretty comfortable. I have to take it off to drive though as I cannot feel my foot in my big shoe
I'm still figuring out where to take my car and how to deal with it because I can't afford to be car less for even a day right now with bad feet, kitty cat appts. 3x/week and PT on the other days. I so wish I had a 2nd car right now!
This week is probably a wash for me ... maybe next week or the week after?