New. Hi everyone!
Hi everyone! I am a 29 year old female who is newly diagnosed.
I want to share a back story. I was a gymnastics coach for years and was hit in the face and had my nose broken. My neck pain started soon after about 2-3 times a year and was severe and would last about a week. Very painful couldnt turn my head or look back. Being that I was so young no one diagnosed me dispite seeing different doctors.
Recently my neck pain started up (now going on 3 weeks ) and did not subside. It is the worst upon waking (very stiff and limited range of motion) and gets better to almost just an annoyance at the end of day.
My chiropractor who I love and trust sent me for a xray showed my reverse curve but thats it, sent me for an MRI and showed Moderate disk bulging and Annular tear at c5-6.
I am not even 30 and of course began to freak out. My pain is not horrible. It is going on three weeks and my third chiropractor appointment, I have been given a few at home things to do.
My chiropractor does not think I need to see a nerologist. I think I should? I am so scared of surgery because I am a hairstylist and mom of two (6 months and 2 years) no idea how I would even be able to have surgery.
Does this heal on its own? Does anyone have a similar diagnosis?
I am so thankful for this forum!
Cervical disk bulge and annular tear c5-6
Reverse Curvature of spine and mild stenosis.