In the US
One needs to see if the surgeon involved does charity work if not able to afford surgery or look to a county facility for treatment which will still involve some degree of services/cost.
There may not be a "free service" but there may be quite a reduction if a person should qualify. We just underwent I believe a 2nd annual HealthCare Event in Los Angeles where all services were free. People stood in line for a great deal of time to get some kind of admittance for this event and then were allowed in on one of three days. I wish this was something that were a far more common occurrence because so many people need services. Of course something like orthopedic surgery wouldn't be performed there but at least one could get an evaluation and possibly some form of treatment that day or some kind of assistance.
Even with insurance co pays and uncovered services can really either put a serious dent into one's pocketbook or almost be a deterrent to using the insurance plus there are so many rules that one practically needs a JD to get thru all the babble about when what can be done...
Last edited by Maria; 11-14-2013 at 03:05 PM.