Originally Posted by theBadCormorant
Each of the nerves that run down and exit the spine supply fairly predictable areas of the body. Take a look at this map LINK and the Wikipedia web page LINK
If your problems exist within one of these areas then it may explain which nerve is being affected and possibly what level of the spine that is causing the problem.
For instance, all the problems that I have suffered with this summer, numb little toe, sensory changes to the heel, terrible calf and buttock pain, have all existed within the S1 Dermatome. These symptoms combined with my MRI results from 18 months ago that showed the disc at the lumbar/sacral junction bulging and contacting the S1 nerve, indicate quite conclusively what is going on. I guess at the beginning of June that bulging disk finally ruptured and well and truly squashed the S1 nerve.
This sounds VERY similar to the pain that I have. But the MRIs do not show a bulged disc. But the Pain never really goes away. Nuerontin really helped with the intense shooting pains. But nothing really seems to totally block the constant dull pain.