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Old 08-01-2013, 02:01 PM
Sick & tired Sick & tired is offline
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Originally Posted by Terry Allen Blackburn View Post
I have definitely been there. Not a good place to be, as it also represents hopelessness.

Terry Newton
I couldn't agree with u more ! Just spent a week in hospital. My pain level was a 20, yes even though that isn't even on the scale, I was in that much pain! Taking pain pills I had, tylenol3's, flexeril, ultraset, and double the dose prescribed. Back history for me, I have ms dx13yrsago...weak side is on the left. back problems are on the right started 1yr 8 mos ago.and at the first of 2113went down hill....
In January of this year started having having pain and muscle spasms, the more I did the worse it got, then in April my lower back started in being an everyday occurrence ! Had to use my wheeled walker to get around in the house, when for the last 10 plus years I had used a forearm crutch to walk with and keep my balance with the weakness and drop foot my ms caused on left side. Doctor had did ex rays and said arthrtis and lumbar region getting pretty wore out, sent me to pain management clinic received 3 steroid injections about a month apart. In the mean time reg doc put me on 25 then 50 mcmg phentoynal pain patch to control pain. I could not get into any position for the pain to stop. Walking hurt, laying down hurt, tried ice and cold packs, if I could lean forward while sitting or standing and get in a certain place it would take the pressure off the nerve and laying as curled up as a big woman can get would help too. Can't live life quite like that.also have been giving 2 or 3 shots of steroids&dose packs of steroids and take 1 10 mg of it daily .
The pain started right in the middle of my lower back felt like someone was twisting with a wrench, then spread down my right butt area around my hip down the back and front of my leg right back side of calf, some days it was tight and numb the worst when the muscle spasms started. I had my extra 4 th steroid injection at the pain clinic on July 5 had some relief for about a week then all hell just broke loose, had to have help to do everything, had been using a chair to sit to prepaid dinner to put dishes away standing getting in and out of the shower ect was excruciating ! The 4 th injection was pointed more towards the nnerve bundle.. Ok end of this long story was advised by my primary physician to go to Er, the did MRI examined me gave me deluded and found my right foot had drop foot admitted me.
Then did a ct scan same day. Gave me Valium for muscle cramps, told me only get out of bed with assistance. Then was told I had something very abnormal outside of l5 which was herniated. It was either a cyst infection or calcification something but the thought the should biopsy it, then the said it was my ms flailing up, so they gave me a 3day solumedrol IV drip, 4docs in 2days said yep lets. Biopsy and the afternoon of the second day the said nope just appears to b air your ms is causing all the pain,,,! Ok at this point I am atWTF?
Then 2docs including my pain doc said well why is their air in her back, u have loaded her up on steroids her pain is still 8 or 9 lets biopsy, then yesterday the air was tuned back into a cyst and I was then told it was insignificate and wouldn't be the cause of the pain. But 2 or 3 of my lumbar discs were bone on bone and surgery would be a50-50 chance of fixing the problem, I DIDN'T WANT OR COME INTO THE HOSPITAL FOR SURGERY I wanted to be rid of the pain so I could get mor of my normal life back...what did I get? Told this pain is more of my ms showing its ugly head,note: never had pain just spacticty, and trouble walkin, urinary problems cloudy thinking ect. All on left side , to now having unbearable "they shoot horses" pain in right back, hip, leg calf pain?? Strong muscle spasms in right hip, numbness pins and needles going over the top of my thigh I can't rub out, when th docs lifted my right leg it would make me cry, when they lifted my left leg so high same
Thing same if the lifted my arms when I lift my right one so high the back starts to tighten up. No one addressed all the crackling and popping in that area I eas havin except the nurses. When it pops it goes like pop hurt pop hurt ect, like when people crack their nucles except this is pain.. So I have an appt with my pain magenta doc tomorrow, but it is so frustrating to spend 1 week in the hospital with all most as much pain as I started with no conclusion..and a question why didn't they do a biopsy on something they called a cyst then said it was an air pocket but yesterday was back to an cyst? And when or how do they help me or fix the problem? Hopeless in detroit metro area. Any suggestions before I see my pain doc tmmrw?
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