re mild indigestion
Maybe try some ginger ale or herbal ginger tea. Sounds like the tramadol works for your pain and that's important. Seems like many drugs that work to take care of one condition might have some other effects i.e. opioids help with pain yet cause pretty intense constipation. Therefore often daily laxatives are added to the medication regime rather than discontinuing the drug that works to help with pain.
My Nsaid (non steroidal anti-inflammatory use) back in the 80's for my knee and low back did create some longer term GI problems for me or so I had been told by my doctors hence the long term use of GI specific drugs.
And yes PCP.. primary care provider or what we used to here call our General Practitioner and in some parts of the US might still be called that.
Glad you're getting some relief!
Last edited by Maria; 07-23-2013 at 04:13 PM.