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Old 05-03-2007, 04:52 PM
elias2117 elias2117 is offline
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Well, I don't think one would need a lifetime plan. The idea is to get the joint strong again so the motion is small and the soft tissue not longer presents pain from being overstreched. I did prolo on my shoulder 3 yrs ago for a dislocation and I have'nt needed one post the 4th treatment and I have no pain with normal range of motion.How many shots do get for the SI, I think I receive about 35-45. The last treatment he used a very small amount of growth hormones which really worked well. I prefer the cod liver oil over p2g, it just works better for me maybe you could ask about it for you.

For me the SI become unstable due to a major strain of the lower back, so just doing the SI ligiments don't work for me the doctor treats from the l-4 down. The reason is Hackett found the stability of the lower spine greatly effects the SI and vice versa. I think it make perfect sense if you study the biomechanics of the pelvic region. The trick to getting over an SI problem is not bend or lift anything greater than 10-20 lbs and evoid twisting. Always correct you SI 2-3 times a day so you can heal better. I also swim every day for about an hour, I have found if you swim on your back and just kick that it works the lower back thus making it stonger and provides me relief.

The corrections for the SI are one the kalindra website, I only use one because I found with the muscle strain that doing the whole routine hurts more than it helps. The correction Iuse is the one were on is on their back and pulls the knees up to the chest while grabbing you knees and push you upward with you knees works well for me.

Keep in mind that Dr. Hauser says that most SI patients need 4-6 treartments so if your doctor uses less solution per treatment you make need more than 4-6. I'm on my second and now have the SI subluxation under control, also the treatment continue to heal months after so the big jump in pain relief may not show face in months to come. I plan on doing a min of 6 treatments about 5 weeks apart so it will require so patientance. I would rather take a year of healing with prolo than an SI fusion, just read some of the forums on the SI formus you mentioned in your first thread. It's very ugly and most never lead a better life from what I read.

This website explains about the different solutions.

Best regards,John

Last edited by elias2117; 05-03-2007 at 05:01 PM.
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