mmglobal - Thanks, I am in the UK so it's free for me. If i had the money or insurance i would have went private though. He told me the risks as well which kinda freaked me out such as paralysis and that the pain might get worse but it was rare. Surgery is the last thing i want and the ortho said they don't like doing it on people as young (i'm 23) as me but it's something i may have to consider if the injections don't help.
Edit - What other options are there to a spinal fusion?
jswell - I was told i'll be awake with just a local anathestic jag to the area, i hate needles as well but not too fussed because i'm not going to be looking at it. It's a 6 week maximum wait for it. I've been in pain for over a year and off work since October so 6 weeks seems like nothing lol.