2.5 weeks out of the psych ward!
Hey all!
How are you? I'm just conjuring up this post to talk about mental illness really.
I was initially diagnosed with severe obsessive compulsive disorder when I was 16 and severe depression so was put straight onto an antidepressant. Things got increasingly worse with distress and I was put onto a 1st gen antipsychotic. I was admitted to the child and adolescent, private young persons unit in Sevenoaks for 4 months.
Since then I've been a prolific self harmer :'(
I've come away this time from ACU with the diagnosis of (its a long one!) emotionally unstable borderline personality disorder.
I'm now on different antidepressant and antipsychotic (venlafaxine plus aripiprazole, which is thankfully a 2nd gen antipsychotic!).
I'm very swingy, they're wondering if I have a rare type of bi-polar disorder due to going from mania to suicidally depressed within all but a few days (generally its weeks, not days!).
Wondering if anyone else suffers from mental illness. Plus I think I may perhaps be speaking for most/all of us when I say that with the pain - the depressive cycle doesn't help. It's like: pain doesn't help the depression and the depression doesn't help the pain (which I find with trying to physically relax and spasticity etc.).
I hope that has made sense? (Please excuse me if I ramble at times - 'ramble' is a middle name of mine!) :P
Lyssie, 24 y/o!
Scoliosis diagnosis aged 10 y/o
Initial anterior T11-L3 correction and fusion at 17
Reconstructive chest wall surgery aged 19
Denervation of left SIJ aged 21
Revisional posterior correction and fusion T2-L4 aged 22
Aged 23 left L3 screw removal
3rd set of bi-lateral SIJ injections 31/12/12
Considerable degenerative changes on both SIJ's
Mitrofanoff urinary diversion planned for mid 2013!