re the pm
Many people around here have told me that this very local PM is excellent however I do want to stick with my San Diego guy as long as he will keep me. I just love that he understands just because I'm not coming in every 3 months I am not selling my medication or some other such absurd idea and still will prescribe 120 count for me as tho I'm taking the 10mg dose 3 to 4 times/day however I only take it once daily.
In fact lately I would consider upping my dose but the constipation factor keeps me from doing that. I will go and get a Toradol injection next week I think as long as the Urgent Care doc will give it to me. I will need it as I have a big outting on Thursday which I tend to go along with even if I have to be in a wheel chair (going to the Getty with dh and his friend that is visiting from Colombia) and then we are going to my relatives in SilverLake where my cousins will be visiting and some other extended family from NY and Fl.
So I have a big day planned and even if my feet are going to create probs for me I don't want my back to be doing it too!
Hopefully things will work out. This heat really has me in a funk. Can't get anything done here but don't want to put the a/c on and make my renal failure cat sicker than he already is. I think that's 3 of us that are suffering in the heat (Lola, myself and Alaska the other cat) so that Winston can keep his body temperature up.
I just keep hoping for slightly cooler temps. There's been enough humidity in the air that I am quite achey until about this point in the day.
If you'd ever like to consider seeing my PM in SD let me know. It's a haul I know but for me I can go on the train and then take a taxi in town if dh couldn't or wouldn't be able to help out with transporation. I think it's super important to have a PM that totally gets us. You have so much more going on that really no one should be giving you a hard time.
Hopefully you can find another PM pretty easily that would be better suited to your needs. At least I sincerely hope so! take care! M