re the nerve pain
I'm rereading this thread and wondering how people are doing? I had terrible nerve pain thru out my lower half of my body first episodically before my first spine surgery in '89. Then after that it went away only to return with a horrendous vengence after my '92 percutaneous discectomy. Went on Elavil 50mg for about 5 years until I was put on Neurontin for 12 years (1800mg/day) and then the last time I posted on this thread I was getting a Lyrica script. Got 10 years worth of ESIs which also helped my back pain greatly and I think this pain to some degree tho nothing like the back pain.
Never used the Lyrica script. Stopped taking Neurontin (gabapentin) I think nearly 3 years now. Have not had the neuropathies like before. Occasionally will have them very lightly tho nothing like before.
I was once so down in the dumps with life with this torturous kind of pain. I am very thankful for the improvement in my pain and while I know it sounds like an awful amount of time to have to go thru to improve I have to say that it's like I never had that type of pain (has been this way since about 2006).
So I'm just wondering how others here are doing since the origination of this thread.